A minor release for OpenPoint introduced a few new features and some bug fixes. Release 1.08.1028 included updates for both the website and the map. The map update will be available soon. The website was released this week. The following are the changes included in the website update.
- The Job list default sort changed to sorting by the Proposed Date in descending order. The Job list allows changing the sort by clicking on the list headers.
- The Prior CPR Year for the jobs can now be set when the job is created. To prevent mistakes, this field can no longer be edited later so be sure to set the Prior CPR Year up front.
- The job attributes called Classification and Construction type now support dropdowns. If you would like to use these drop downs for your utility, then contact OpenPoint.
- A new feature is available called Work Order Category. The category allows work order auto numbering domains that can cross work order types. The additional flexibility allows for new scenarios in the OpenPoint work order auto numbering system. If you are interested in auto numbering, then contact OpenPoint.
- The Inventory system now supports viewing and canceling transactions. Make sure you have a warehouse selected. Next, select the Transactions button from the Inventory overview to access the new feature.
- Purchase order items have improved validation to prevent possible invalid scenarios.
- The website was updated to newer technologies that provide speed improvements.
New Reports
- Assemblies with missing hours on active jobs - Generates a list of assemblies on active jobs where the labor hours are missing.
- Transformer Features with Transformers Missing Phase - Locates features that an installed transformer and the installed transformer asset is missing a phase. Includes a feature id list to copy and paste into OpenPoint Map for review.